“Lord, what can I do?”
Have you ever asked this question?
In the face of everything that is happening in and around our world in this time, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the heaviness and the weight of the injustice, the oppression and the brokenness.
Often times we feel helpless in what we can actually do to make a difference! Our prayers and intercession over our loved ones, our communities and the nations is needed more than ever. God hears the cries of His people and He surely hears the relentless prayers that are rising up to the throne room.
Mighty Deborah! Sound the alarm, continue to intercede and pray without ceasing. Declare and decree His Word over all that is taking place in nations!
Our Mandate at @thedeborahconference is to SHIFT THE COURSE OF HISTORY!
For Deborah, intercession was a dialogue in which she began to download strategic war plans, blue prints from heaven, and keys to open doors that no man can shut and shut doors that no man can open. Deborah decreed the Word of the Lord and creation bowed to her command. Her prayers and military governmental leadership shifted the course of history and saved the nation of Israel.

Let us be reminded of our mandate and stand together, arm in arm, praying and boldly believing that we will see the light pierce through the darkness!
Standing with you,
Marianne Petersen
TDC Ambassador