For Kingdom women, social entrepreneurs and pioneers



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Keys for 2022: Strategy. Flexibilty. Prayer.

Keys for 2022: Strategy. Flexibilty. Prayer.

When you go to war, you have to have a strategy. You’ve got to have your ducks in a row, so to speak. I believe that this is a year that we can have so many things thought out ahead of time. We can be strategic. But there is going to be a part of this year that we’re...

Ask for the Nations

Ask for the Nations

Our theme for The Deborah Conference for 2022 is ‘Impacting Nations’ and as I was reflecting on this theme and seeking God’s heart for a word of encouragement for His Mighty Deborahs, I heard Him say this; “Tell My Daughters to ASK ME for the Nations! There are...

Lord, Break our Hearts

Lord, Break our Hearts

Lord, break my heart...   I remember almost a decade ago, hearing a line from a worship song that had me stop in my tracks, "Break my heart for what breaks Yours".   Let's just say the tears were uncontrollable after I had sung those words and a deep stirring began in...

Lord what can I do?

Lord what can I do?

“Lord, what can I do?”   Have you ever asked this question?   In the face of everything that is happening in and around our world in this time, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the heaviness and the weight of the injustice, the oppression and the brokenness.   Often...


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Port Hedland, Western Australia, 6722


The Deborah Business Education Hub's mission is to raise up a Global Generation of Mighty Deborahs, awakening Christian Women Entrepreneurs to shift the course of History via Christ-Centered Business Education.